

AWS infra 運用



Last Updated on 2021年7月4日 by かんりにん

インスタンスはAmazon Linux AMI、ラージインスタンスで。



# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/s3tools/files/s3cmd/1.5.0-alpha1/s3cmd-1.5.0-alpha1.tar.gz/download



# mv S3 /usr/local/bin
# mv s3cmd /usr/local/bin



# s3cmd –configure
Enter new values or accept defaults in brackets with Enter.
Refer to user manual for detailed description of all options.
Access key and Secret key are your identifiers for Amazon S3
Access Key: ****************** ←アクセスキーを入力
Secret Key: ****************** ←シークレットキーを入力
Encryption password is used to protect your files from reading
by unauthorized persons while in transfer to S3
Encryption password: ************ ←暗号化パスワードの入力
Path to GPG program [/usr/bin/gpg]: ←GPGの実行ファイルのパスを指定、デフォルトは/usr/bin/gpg
When using secure HTTPS protocol all communication with Amazon S3
servers is protected from 3rd party eavesdropping. This method is
slower than plain HTTP and can’t be used if you’re behind a proxy
Use HTTPS protocol [No]: ←HTTPS使用の有無を指定、デフォルトはNo
On some networks all internet access must go through a HTTP proxy.
Try setting it here if you can’t conect to S3 directly
HTTP Proxy server name: ←Proxyサーバーの指定、デフォルトは無し
New settings:
Access Key: ******************
Secret Key: ******************
Encryption password: ************
Path to GPG program: /usr/bin/gpg
Use HTTPS protocol: False
HTTP Proxy server name:
HTTP Proxy server port: 0
Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n] Y
Please wait, attempting to list all buckets…
Success. Your access key and secret key worked fine 🙂
Now verifying that encryption works…
Success. Encryption and decryption worked fine 🙂
Save settings? [y/N] y
Configuration saved to ‘/root/.s3cfg’



# yum install python-magic




# time s3cmd -c /root/.s3cfg put /home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbah s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah
/home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbah -> s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah [part 1 of 8, 15MB]
15728640 of 15728640 100% in 0s 16.98 MB/s done
/home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbah -> s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah [part 2 of 8, 15MB]
15728640 of 15728640 100% in 0s 15.09 MB/s done
— snip —
/home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbah -> s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah [part 8 of 8, 2MB]
2689560 of 2689560 100% in 0s 5.41 MB/s done
real 0m10.279s
user 0m1.624s
sys 0m0.620s



# ll /mnt/s3-backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah
———- 1 root root 112790040 Jun 14 06:56 /mnt/s3-backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah


# ll /mnt/s3-backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah
———- 1 root root 112790040 Jun 14 06:56 /mnt/s3-backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbah


# time s3cmd -c /root/.s3cfg put /home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbaa s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbaa
/home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbaa -> s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbaa [part 1 of 48, 15MB]
15728640 of 15728640 100% in 4s 3.06 MB/s done
/home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbaa -> s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbaa [part 2 of 48, 15MB]
15728640 of 15728640 100% in 3s 4.35 MB/s done
— snip —
/home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbaa -> s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbaa [part 47 of 48, 15MB]
15728640 of 15728640 100% in 4s 3.41 MB/s done
/home/ec2-user/db-sprittest/backup_dbaa -> s3://backup-db1-tokyo/backup_dbaa [part 48 of 48, 10MB]
10753920 of 10753920 100% in 1s 5.99 MB/s done
real 1m48.703s
user 0m9.861s
sys 0m4.200s




– s3cmdのヘルプより抜粋
Size of each chunk of a multipart upload. Files bigger
than SIZE are automatically uploaded as multithreaded-
multipart, smaller files are uploaded using the
traditional method. SIZE is in Mega-Bytes, default
chunk size is noneMB, minimum allowed chunk size is
5MB, maximum is 5GB.



-AWS, infra, 運用



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です



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